This is just a joke save showing inconsistencies in sprk transfer. I know why gold does this.
for me, this is the only reason why i use gold ever. +1 btw
ayy lmao
inwr just doesnt transmit electricity to METL
kinda funny but yeah makes sense
yes, INWR description is wrong, so is PTCT / NTCT. Deal with it :P. Also not all elements care about INSL, PSTN and GOLD being notable exceptions.
The description for INWR is completely wrong, because it conducts to PSCN and NSCN, which are both semiconductors.
Gold can condunczz from 3 blocks away. dosen't mater if there is anything in the middle of it. if you put it 2 blocks away from eachother it will not conduct.........*Reads bio* well i am not wasting all that time typing this....give me hugs
maybe, but what about the bottom one?
it says doesnt conduct to metal as in metl or semiconductors as in ptct and ntct, the top one is legit