128 / 32
4th Oct 2015
5th Oct 2015
I woke up with an idea. It pulled in many others. Love, respect, learning - all two-way streets. The best way to get it is to give it. Think about that.
preachit sotrue thisisart amazinglytrue nohate love thepowdertoy antihater


  • TheCrapCastABC
    5th Oct 2015
    This should be on fp forever.
  • MexLP
    5th Oct 2015
    GG :D nice i think so too
  • gaysanta
    5th Oct 2015
    *sigh* -.-
  • jasiu2002
    5th Oct 2015
    I generally use downvotes for saves that are copied or simply very bad, but I usually give feedback on what can be improved or what I don't like
  • Matera_the_Mad
    5th Oct 2015
    Just sayin', downvoting can be overused, is often pointless (if a save is really "bad" who's going to upvote it?) and sometimes it's a cowardly drive-by hating. I've seen a lot of downvotes on beautifully crafted saves. I did one once, on something that promised a lot and delivered eff-all. Of couse this one is hater-bait, and I expect it to be spat on. XD
  • Christhebla
    5th Oct 2015
    If downvoting is mean then why is the button there in the first place?
  • Lucario
    5th Oct 2015
    Your completly right,it gets really annoying and can sometimes make you angry of confused if its only by one person,and even more if they get more thanks for taking the time out of your life to make this.:)
  • Laurossos
    5th Oct 2015
    i never hate or downvote, i only give constructive critism, if a save isnt the best one
  • vasko002
    5th Oct 2015
    Clearly... So if I made a save clearly stating that you should hate, then if you love saves you are CLEARLY stupid. Stop the bull****. If someone thinks a save is not worth the frontpage they have the right to express that.
  • LucasRincon
    5th Oct 2015
    People are hating on the save that cleary states that you shouldnt hate. And you SHOULDNT. If you hate on saves, you are clearly a jerk. If you hate on this save, you are clearly stupid.