made a line 1 px tall of dest, covering city. unpauses. :) made my day +1
Bury Itty Bitty nuke (1884185) bottom center. Flood sky with EXOT. Unpause, sit back and relax.
Rubidium-Based Buildings do not like rain... the climate there must be "Drought Or Explosion" lol +1
ops~The build catch on fire:D
...and still counting... XD
lol, I super-heated the city, put maximum psi, let it melt, cool it down, apply VIRS, melted it into a liquid, dragged it all to the ground, applied high psi on the top, low psi on the bottom to keep it there, one pixel of SOAP, and I created a graceful mountain out of all of it.
XD I'm keeping the donaldtrump tag! XD