puts eu tinha guardado isso aki ha uns 2 anos mas tinha esquecido de publicar, porisso ninguem viu, mas da uma olhadinha ae, so coloca uma placa e escrever: {c:1886034|qualquercoisa} a dps clica nela
I'm glad that Pluto was given a slight blue hue (whether intentionally or unintentionally) which reflectes the realistic atmosphere, even though it's so thin, which has a similar color
Neptune and Saturn are much bigger than Earth, and Jupiter is 11 times the size. I'm not sure about the proportions of the Sun to planets, but I'm sure the Sun would be much bigger.
Pluto is not a planet. And there are no black holes in Sol System, at least I hope not.....
Says theres pluto. I delete the text box, theres nothing there. Fuckin lies.
I have not seen a single 'correct' Pluto on TPT. And this was created recently.
I thought I remembered this... Isn't this copied?
...make the sun out of lava, make mercury out of brick, give venus a CO2 atmosphere (colored yellow/orange), give earth a blue oxygen atmosphere, make the gas giants (jupiter and saturn) and the ice giants (uranus and neptune) out of hydrogen, and make pluto out of NICE.
Here are my tips. Try to make the planets to scale and sun to scale with each other with a bit of math, add the asteroid belt and kuiper belt, add the other dwarf planets (Ceres, Haumea, Makemake and Eris), remove the black hole as there are none within many lightyears of the solar system, (continued)...