Also known as the Area-Burst Hydrogen Explosive, the A-BHE spreads hydrogen around the area, then SING snow (tutorial in another save.) blows the hydrogen, causing fusion. CREDIT: Tanatos, for the map.
O_O Whoa! I got a lot of comments fast! Say, I need help figuring out how to fuse the hydrogen, but without setting it off before it spreads. Could anyone help me?
That is way too many signs, but the bomb is nice! +1
Vwry beytiful.
for me fusion doesnt work...the hydrogen just burns. +0 i suppose
Amazing! +7 billion
superb! just need to fine tune the fusion! +1
Why is everyone blowing up Taipei 101!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
its not fusion, you're literally burning the hydrogen
@ Bluephoenix322 Thats easy. If you hear the explosion its dead. If not, its alive.
i copied it via ctrl c to test it XD