Another one from the Department of Useless Inventions! I just had to laugh when I saw it. Bottom one is original, top is two-pipe recycling version. Newtonian gravity ON.
Cool logo and idea +1
There's a modicum of method to the madness that is me ;)
You have the most random shit, but it's always very interesting and original
I'm betting you can perfect the technology by finding a better speed, then calibrating the DLAY until it's perfect. Either that or find a way to send pulses over continuous pulses, but it might be too fast.
you call this useless?!?! now we can transport the earths oceans without the use of pipes!!!! +1 my man
It is probably never going beyond the proof-of-concept stage. Faster speed fouls up the movement, makes oversize cllumps. But hey, is fun, yes? Anybody else wants to play with it, go ahead.
cool +1, not much else to say
Matra_the_Mad, I have a question for you
P.S. +1
If you make this faster, it might be useful for cool looking transportation of liquids. For now, i call i a proof of concept.