60 / 15
22nd Dec 2015
29th Dec 2015
The robot is for the SFPI, the goal of this particular R&D project is to create a multi-celled creature that eats plnt to live. It will move randomly. It moves towards plnt and burns it. It can starve.
alive addplantnearit pstn sfpi putshld


  • msasterisk
    23rd Dec 2015
    Very glitchy right now, sorry! :/
  • msasterisk
    23rd Dec 2015
    @Senvr It eats PLNT to live, and wanders around to find it. Due to system glitches, I haven't put in any PLNT pellets yet, you have to do it yourself.
  • Senvr
    23rd Dec 2015
    ...what does it do?
  • msasterisk
    23rd Dec 2015
    Death has been added! (That sounds good, doesn't it? XD) Now, if it goes too long without plnt it dies (takes a while though). The death is irreversible, because the thing explodes.
  • Doughnut
    23rd Dec 2015
    It rammed the plant up then wouldnt stop untill it was almost all deleted by the edge...
  • bigexplosion
    23rd Dec 2015
    how does it work?
  • CTpyromaniac1337
    23rd Dec 2015
    @msasterisk It doesn't do well with plant on the sides.
  • msasterisk
    23rd Dec 2015
    Willt125: That shouldn't happen. If it does, then the smoke is probably clogging the system. It shouldn't happen too often, though, unless you give it a long string or large mass of plnt.
  • Willt125
    23rd Dec 2015
    The organism like to commit suicide when it eats. When it finds PLNT, it pushes it untila few cells contact each other, then when it moves away it "relatively" explodes. :O
  • TheExplosionTeam
    22nd Dec 2015
    When the plnt is burned, it thows smoke in the air, which got caught in the piston, which deactivated the mecanism for a lil bit until the smoke disappeared.