133 / 8
1st Jan 2016
17th Jan 2016
Full inspiration from Qwert_Yuiop's 3D Printer. It's 16x16x16 instead of 8x8x8 like Qwert_Yuiop's was. Of course thats why it takes much longer. It uses a 16x16 Filt Memory as printing template (working on a more user friendly template maker right now).
printer electronic electronics its3d hiddentrophy printabletrophy secret


  • Cracker1000
    2nd Jan 2016
    Please can some one tell me an easy way to permanently set filt colour without using temp/detector? And iwish you all avery happy nre year.
  • ivel236
    2nd Jan 2016
    Make a 30x30 one now XD
  • JosephEmmanuel
    2nd Jan 2016
    Could you try to make a more intuitive and simple way to make a template? Your rival 3D printer on FP sports a SPNG&FILT "memory card" to make each layer. However, your 3D printer has superior resolution, so I can see how that could prove a difficult challenge, though it still uses that interaction between BRAY and FILT. Idk this is beyond me I can't do electronics on PT lol...+1&fav
  • the_new_powder99999
    2nd Jan 2016
    *Quickly hides from the wall of minecraft world generators that will be coming soon.*
  • Qwert_Yuiop
    1st Jan 2016
    @22minnis22: If only it was that easy. Every filt here has an entire horizontal row recorded in it, so you can only rotate the shape about one axis without remaking the whole thing.
  • PortalPlayer
    1st Jan 2016
    And I see you too made the glass finish one pixel too high. I said it on Qwert_Yuiop's, I'll say it here: make the glass go one extra pixel lower. It needs to.
  • PortalPlayer
    1st Jan 2016
    I'm guessing there's some bit shifting here, 1 is lowest level, 2 is next level, 4 is next level and so forth?
  • gegell
    1st Jan 2016
    @explosivepowder you need to go to the electronics ant then put one of these filter blocks in there. The filts store the information what to print.
  • explosivepowder
    1st Jan 2016
    How do i change the thing?!
  • 22minnis22
    1st Jan 2016
    @Qwert_Yuiop Just copy / paste and rotate xD