9th Jan 2016
11th Aug 2018
This realy fast 3d printer. Now print 15x15x15 cube
@samrrr. I am just having fun. I hope you are also? I think WE can make the print head smaller. it means reprogramming ALL the DRAY tmp2 values though. uggg.
Yes, I know how to turn deco off. I'm just sayin' that it doesn't need deco in the first place
Ah, all the 3d printers. Feels nice to see this idea being improved by people who actually can into electronics, like Sandwich and my fellow countryman samrr.
super fast printer id:1919569
My new version is faster. the print head is a streamlined version of yours. You borrowed the tech from the rest of us anyway. I then made a new PLC which has no need to compile/decompile, starts almost immediately and it is a lot easier for everyone to program. also the print alone takes less frames because I was able to get rid of some wasted moves yours makes each layer.
Can you disable ambient heat and enable newtonian gravity?
wow 3d printers are in fashion
nice. but breaks in jacob1`s mod
Next goal: color printing by instantly changing temp of FILT while printing. Requires changes in template. Also, compatibility mode, when there's no color pattern
And he uses the GOL wall to cool down the machine while in ambient mode