*** Update #9: Add links to predecessor and successor *** See thread and manual link in the save. ***
@atomic: Nope, not yet. Although it would be nice. I might build one tomorrow.
People have talked about adding multi-core support to TPT, and we generally agree that using multiple cores for particle physics would break everything. HOWEVER, things like gravity and pressure could be proccessed in one core, and particles in another. They are so glitchy and unpredictable now that any small change wouldn't be noticable
is there a decimal input perph?
Because multicore frame processing would require the frame to be parallelisable, which means that the evaluation of a particle would not depend on the visible side effects on the evaluation of other particles. That's basically what keeps subframe tech alive: particles depending on other particles' side effects in the same frame.
Why would multicore break it?
I assume you're talking about the RAM. See that DTEC below the line of INSL? Its .tmp2 is 15. It's the DTEC doing the "transportation", not the INSL. The INSL is there to stop the BRAY.
For the read bray thing, how does it transport the information from the just coloured bray down the insulation to where it outputs?
As someone who doesn't have the best understanding of TPT computers, deco part labels would be very much appreciated.
It just occurred to me that if TPT ever goes multicore, this computer will break. So sad.
EN layout added, autodownload header added.