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SB, I doubt that Avi would ally with you after you called him an idiot and a cheater. Were, you can have some barges if 5k of your population joins me.
I ally with Avi, expand, and train loads of troops
Oh, my bad, there's a stats screen. I train 1400 soldiers and invade cyan.
The thing is, if the earthwuake happens in the ocean, it could cause suction. I ask Kevino to lend me some barges for evacuation purposes.
Can you include the peach country's stats in mine for simplicity?
I accept kevino's ally request and load my population onto barges, and sail them to directly above where the earthquake will happen.
Has my entire population been evacuated? I send the barges with my people to the opposite side of the impact crater to wait out the tsunami. A single small ship with some scientests volunteers to drop anchor directly over where the earthquake will strike and do sciencey stuff. I also send a few military barges and (tsunamis don't actually do much to ships out at sea, so they should be fine) ships to patrol the waters near SB's territory to make sure he doesn't attack.
I sell Avi those barges and ask to ally him. I accept the peach country's request. I try to refine those metals and make tools out of the iron. I use the zinc for... zinc stuff.
How many troops do I have? If I have enough I invade the cyan country, if not then I train enough and invade the cyan country. I normally wouldn't do an if statement like that, but you are in a stupid time zone for me.
I'd like to be RGB 14 186 91. Kevino, could I buy enough barges from you to save my population? Johnny, how many is that?