This is a nationwide. Visit the "Events and Such" link to see how you are doing! Free to join! Just say color and co-ords!
I did. All my people hid in caves.
I also have 2x the troops that he has.
Johnny, why did you give ScienceBoy a huge boost in population? He made no preparations for the asteroid strike.
A hard metal called "iron" is found in mines in huge quantities.
Why am I not conquering Kevino?
I start training troops.
Yes,something more.
He doesn't actually update it, so there's no point in joining.
THOMAS, GIVE ME THE ID ALREADY! also please stop avertising that save here. You've done it for what... the thrid time now?
I ask Kevino to help me mine metal from the impact site. I will give him many other things in trade.