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11th Feb 2016
25th Jun 2016
This is a nationwide. Visit the "Events and Such" link to see how you are doing! Free to join! Just say color and co-ords!
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  • Windspren
    15th May 2016
    Yeah, but I'll just load everyone onto my barges first. The earthquake will activate the volcanoes, making moar land!
  • Anastasia_616
    15th May 2016
    ok i'll stop now
  • Anastasia_616
    15th May 2016
    Are you aware that if that device was EVER used it would cause tsunamis across the world? this is an island world please stop trying to create the apocalyse!
  • Anastasia_616
    15th May 2016
    Why?? how is that any better than nuking volcanoes!?
  • Windspren
    15th May 2016
    I start working on a seismic activation device that uses sound waves, AKA an earthquake machine.
  • Anastasia_616
    14th May 2016
    @kevino i saw i link from the wasteland nationwide and saw you plan to create a nuclear winter, also when high yeild nuclear devices detonate most of the material(uranium or plutonium) is used up and therefore not radioactive anymore, but low yield bombs done explode as efficiently, and alot of the radioactive material is left over as radioactive fallout, stick to building platforms and NOT causing the apocalypse
  • Anastasia_616
    14th May 2016
    i know i wrote that when he first started doing it,a few hours before you responded
  • 49796346
    14th May 2016
    I'm trying to solve that problem!
  • Anastasia_616
    14th May 2016
    @49796346 fabian is trolling, alot
  • 49796346
    14th May 2016
    (please note that you players are the ones who do the ally and agressiveness stuff)