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  • Windspren
    13th May 2016
    Drilling a hole to the magma chamber and nuking it would contain the explosion. And I'm pretty sure that bigger nukes = more radiation. Anyway, why are you even commenting here?
  • Anastasia_616
    13th May 2016
    no,no, if you bury them underground you would only send more ash into the upper atmoshere, also the lower the yeild of the bomb the less efficient the fission reaction is (less power=more radiation, more power=less radiation)
  • Windspren
    13th May 2016
    Hey, they're low-yield, so there won't be much radiation. We can bury the nukes in the volcanoes too, if you're worried.
  • Anastasia_616
    13th May 2016
    note that if thermonuclear devices were detonated on volcanic hotspots it could launch molten rock and ash into the upper atmoshpere and cause an ash cloud to block out the sun aswell
  • Weretyu777
    13th May 2016
    I advise Kevino against his nuclear policy, as it might destabilize fault lines and would most definitely leave at least some fallout.
  • Windspren
    13th May 2016
    Oh, and I start a UN ripoff to ensure world peace. I propose that we nuke some volcanoes with low-yield nukes to make them form larger landmasses, so we can expand our population.
  • Windspren
    13th May 2016
    I accept AILath's refusal peacefully and offer to ally with them.
  • Windspren
    13th May 2016
    Does that include nukes/reactors?
  • 49796346
    13th May 2016
    Kevino, AILath rejects but you complete the research of nuclear tech.
  • Windspren
    12th May 2016
    I ask AILath to join me.