This is a nationwide on Roshar. To join, tell me your element and coordinates. Thanks to Avi for making the map and helping with the spreadsheet!
My spreadsheet isn't complicated at all. Most of it is just the tech tree. The only factors in it are Economy, Population, and Military. Simple.
Fatboy, why can't you access the spreadsheets? you don't need an account to view them. What do you think of an NW that's a mix of spreadsheet and tradition?
I don't like the spreadsheets because, as I mentioned earlier I don't have access to them. Also, I think the basic idea of this NW is great, but once you make a NW too complicated its not fun anymore.
Everyone, please elaborate about why you have so much trouble using the spreadsheets, and why you don't like them.
I like that idea. Make sure to have a very complticated spreadsheet that none can be bothered to use. If you want you can copy some of the code in mine :)
I'm thinking of making a Space Wide set in the Kerbol system. There would be different engines (NUKES FTW) and fuels, and ISRU and stuffs. Basically KSP on TPT.
And it too is being released tomorrow.