This is a nationwide on Roshar. To join, tell me your element and coordinates. Thanks to Avi for making the map and helping with the spreadsheet!
I vote 2
I vote 2
I vote 2.
I vote 3.
I vote two!
Oh, and if you want me to make a 110% accurate map of the kerbol system I will do so.
If you're looking for ideas for the kerbol system wide (KerbolWide even?) I would recommend looking at Aurora 4x or FreeOrion, both open source 4x space strategy games with a sci-fi theme. EnterElysium has a good tutorial on Aurora 4x. As for FreeOrion I don't know, I didn't need a tutorial because that's how OG I am at 4xs.
Ok, everyone can vote for: 1. Continuing this. 2. A modern Rosharwide. 3. A Spacewide set in the Kerbol System.
It would have a basic population and economy system, with players inventing tech and stuff.