This is certainly not the simplest way to make a compact firework display. The indirect ignition is silly, but it was fun to do, and it works. It took several reconfigurations to stabilze.
This fire work is way more cool.. 1947132
@lshh i think you got it wrong.. the price is $infinity
nice +1 i was expecting it too blow up at the start XD
@lshh Matera is a girl? dang thats the seconds time I thought someone was a bo instead of a girl today I really need to get my stuff in check...
cal Matera today for a quote on her fireworks machine! Its made of diamond and life. Also includes a infinite firkworks maker! Buy now for $9999999999999999999 dollars!
I made my own firework launcher ID:1868741. It is bulky and uncoventional, but it works
i dont get it. but ok
awsome +1
I actually had a couple of similar machines in my stamp library that I was planning on publishing in a few days... Looks like you beat me to it. +1
Leave it to Matera to make something harder than it has to be. +1