this is your chance to answer any questions 'bout me that you have! but PLEASE nothing creepy... like my ADDERESS. OR ANYTHING VULGUR.
What do you think about Top Gun?
thebritishempire: it gives me the medium to be creative, with functionality!
Drspringtrap: i'll consider all of them! I have SCUD's already in one save, and a V2 in another. try to find them ;)
what is your fave thing bout powder toy
what is your chance of makinga scud missile, a V2 or a H.A.R.M (high speed anti radar missile)
powdertoy is awesome and powdertoy does not have any form of currency, nor do you need to pay-to-win... *cOUgH* EA *CoUGh*
Does powder toy have POWDERCOINS?
and in cadets: it wasn't hard as long as you listened to your officers and IC's!
lol not really: i'n not in the military now, but i was once an air cadet. i'm currently going to college.