@InterstellarBoy you can do it in the console, "!set vx grvt (put whatever number here, + or -, without the parenthises)" for sideways movement, and same for up and down except you use vy instead of vx. for example "!set vx grvt 1" and "!set vy grvt -1" Would make the grvt move at an angle, to the right and down.
how did you get the grvt to move like this
this... is... amazing... +1^
oh I unpaused it haha I see now :3
Just wondering, but if you're not supposed to unpause, and you're supposed to view it in nothing display, what exactly do the gravitons do? Nice planets tho, +1
Those are Star Destoyers. VVV
If you unpause it looks like giant spacewhales are dramatically flying across your screen giving a hint to the future.. that soon spacewhales will take over!
*unpauses* No.. I became a rebel scum!