My well known original non CGI hand made sandwichlizard logos. some by me, some by community members. The DMND floor is necessary. Thanks to techyman305 for making it pick most materials. Thanks to 159819 for making it auto reset.
I'm considering investing time into designing a reconstructor, if I do so; would you rather me post a seperate small(er) design concept/demostration (reletively soon) or edit your "deconstructor"(in maybe a week) or make it independant of your "deconstructor"?
sandwich lizard can i also have bread between two lizards?
@SandwichLizard I haven't got much experience with stuff like this but maybe for the reconstruction you could do like a 3D printer-esque thing that copies it/something? Idk
*small chuckle*
@TruShadow. thanks. I kept reading it and still mizzing the z in your "sandwichliard". I kept saying to myself "what is he trying to say?"
Daddy samich the pwinsable at cool skool saw my utube channela dn told m3 2 go to teh office and he wasnt resonsable, and the secr3t4ry told my mum that sh3 sh0uld b scerd uf me
i just do.
btw des says Original non CGI hand made "sandwichliard" logos
@Catpire11 whats up with you calling sandwichlizard Daddy?
1975925 Daddy samich i did art!