Anarchy! To survive, you must set up your own empires and expand. Post comments saying what state you want to rule and what color you want to be. War is allowed. If you want, you can send a bomb to another's territory. Credit to Avi_ for the map.
Gelix has it GOING TWICE
The nukes above your troops are the ones that you launched towards Long.
The person who launched them won't mind about my satelites tracking the nukes Down THE LONG GUY'S HOMELAND! HAHA!
i enable the satelites.
i have some satelites in texas and i will use them to make the Nukes fly right at Long Guy's Land.
i build 100,000 ships and send them out to attack long guy.
and why there are nukes above my troops?
i sign the Agreement in the Capital
I hold a peace meeting in my Capital to relieve tensions between me and FabianPL.
I invade and take Delaware. I believe that taking the former nation's capital will increase our power. Claw, what do you think?