Anarchy! To survive, you must set up your own empires and expand. Post comments saying what state you want to rule and what color you want to be. War is allowed. If you want, you can send a bomb to another's territory. Credit to Avi_ for the map.
i begin training and sending more troops to my Marching troops and invade Long Guy.
can you create Mars Wide save?
wait, tell him that in what save?
got it.
i tell 3DRUS that im going to Colonize Mars.
my last move: Invade Long Guy.
From now on, to capture an unclaimed state or to ally with someone, you must give at least one reason that they should join you. The person you would like to ally with must post a comment saying yes or no to the offer. For the unclaimed state, I will represent that state. Good luck!
BACK UP. But, you will have to remember who you are allied with.
i build a defence grid, and build an airforce base, to shoot those bombs to oblivian
i do what i did in mylast move.