A multiplayer survival game. The web address for the spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16NKXWHhruyGU7fQiozYhN2Whb4QtOI_LHlM5AZqBWLM/edit?usp=sharing
Fatboy, you find a few edible plants, but do not find any sea caves so far.
Kevino, it will probably just break your teeth to eat the crystal.
But, but, I like eating people. :(
I also craft a stone spear and shovel.
I build a small boat and begin exploring the island's coastline for hidden sea caves.
In the corner of the fort I build a forum and list some simple laws, like don't steal, don't kill people, and don't eat people.
I eat it.
The crystal thing just glows and gives off a warm, golden glow.
What does the crystal thing do? I head towards Avi's fort.
I move my home to the fort, and go build more houses outside of the fort for more peasants to live in, these peasants will do mining for me.