A multiplayer survival game. The web address for the spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16NKXWHhruyGU7fQiozYhN2Whb4QtOI_LHlM5AZqBWLM/edit?usp=sharing
I create a stone shovel and I dig a hole and I hide the hole and I start to use that like a Trap
But that's not how shardblades work... You have to bond a spren and then swear at least the third ideal to get a Blade...
(Sorry, but it isn't exactly fair or make a lot of sense to do that...)
(Acually, no free stuff that is this OP this early in the game...)
No living shardblades untill you are a master wizard, though. (BTW you have used all of your free stuff point thingies of now).
oh. you actually gave me a shard thigny.... that works.
Oh, I didn't see that you added another sheet... By quarrying I mean I dig a pit in the ground, with the goal of obtaining stone.
Like, really. A single guy with Shards is like an entire army.
Oh, and since my Shardblade is a living one, it can change shape. Yay, Shardspears!
Shardblades are really really really OP http://coppermind.net/wiki/Shardblade Same with Shardplate http://coppermind.net/wiki/Shardplate