897 / 26
12th Jun 2016
3rd Jul 2019
This is the most accurate model of the Russian RBMK-1000 nuclear reactor. Manual/auto controls. Destructable. v1.2 Changelog: -Added SCRAM button -AUTO logic improved
nuclear reactor ukraine rbmk 1986 realistic uranium chernobyl accurate model


  • LoremIpsumDolorSit
    6th Jun 2022
    do i know how to operate it? no. Does it stop me from trying and accidentally make it explode NO
  • Spotsimon
    6th May 2022
    Apeture is big talker
  • YourLocalScientist
    23rd Apr 2022
    im sorry i can't stop talking, i jsut want to tell Someone, don't do anything to help me please. im fine
  • YourLocalScientist
    23rd Apr 2022
    sometimes i can hear the pain. i wish i could do somthing about it to help them if i where there. id warn them and warn them, tell them to shut down the wood pecker for good and, i don't know. all i wanted to do is help them but thats far in the past.
  • YourLocalScientist
    23rd Apr 2022
    i don't normaly think about people dieing but, thinking of chernobyl, it makes me realy sad. this creation makes me forget about it. it makes me forget about the horra of April 26, 1986. i make creations so i get forget about it to. on top of all of this my cat disapeard a year ago. all i want to do is forget about all the bad in the world, and look forward to the happy. somethings not leting that happen though.
  • YourLocalScientist
    23rd Apr 2022
    @jnsklsn chernobyl exsploded at April 26, 1986 and the time 1:23:58 a.m. about 49,000 people where evacuwaited. its Realy sad. People lsoeing there homes, dieing from raidation posioning up to 5.6 rotegen. it makes me depressed at times knowing that people had to leave there pets in the exsclution zone. some of them died probly becuase the raidation, and Ukraine probly killing them.
  • YourLocalScientist
    23rd Apr 2022
    Can i use the No water indicator for my nuclear reactor? With credit ofc and i link to your creation.
  • MuffinTM
    22nd Mar 2022
    brief description of how the auto mode works? i know it has to do with the control panels that are to the left of the reactor, loads of logic gates and things in there. what are they all detecting and how do they work together to ensure that the reactor doesn't explode? this guy is a genius.
  • Thecookiecow_o
    19th Mar 2022
    just like with the flaw of the real AZ-5 button
  • Thecookiecow_o
    18th Mar 2022
    suggestion: if the reactor is unstable for example if the temperture is rising too fast and we scram it the temperture would surge for a quick bit