190 / 13
13th Jun 2016
18th Jun 2016
The use of the potential energy of water to generate electricity, cleaner than those generated by fossil fuel (coal, natural gas and oil).
water 3dart nuclearisbetter nukes moltensalt nuclearftw nuclearisbest nuclearpowerftw nuclearpowergood nukesftw


  • david617
    13th Jun 2016
    cool +1
  • Hixel
    13th Jun 2016
    *casualy waiting for people bashing nuclear power*
  • LucasRincon
    13th Jun 2016
    Let's start using "artimulation".
  • MrSpudNugget
    13th Jun 2016
    @JusticeFighter even hydro-electric power has its dangers,if you look at dams only a few cracks could cause it to collapse so whilst it is safer than nuclear coal or fossil fuels, it doesn't produce as much power...
  • Hixel
    13th Jun 2016
    Nuclear pl;ants produce a lot more power than water
  • Hixel
    13th Jun 2016
    Nuclear power is way cleaner than any fossil fuels. A Uranium miner often has maximum protection against radiation, and the unranium doesnt have much effect. If you go to Chernobyl which is 100 times more radioactive than some uranium mine you wont get cancer or some dieseases immideatly like some people think. While i agree that fossil fuels are the absolute worst, Wind and solar are good ideas but not fully developed yet. Water is wery good but not as good as nuclear.
  • JusticeFighter
    13th Jun 2016
    Nuclear is worse than oil and gas from an environmental standpoint, most uranium mines are bad for the workers health. Coal is worst. Wind is unpredictable, solar half-predictable, water is best. MAS2015 makes artimulation saves about hydroplants. Be like MAS2015. Go for Water.
  • Hixel
    13th Jun 2016
    But this is also nice, but it can disturb a river's ecosystem
  • Hixel
    13th Jun 2016
    Nuclear power is the way to go!
  • Troxi
    13th Jun 2016