The reborn SFPI! Our goal is to develop and identify forms of pseudointelligence and life within TPT in the forms of PSTN bots, computing systems, genome emulators, brain architecture simulations, and anything else we (or TPT AIs we find :D) can think of
oh god 13,13 is even worse, you need to put a large amount there just to do anything, and it barely clones.
tmp=7,tmp2=7 is quite irregular and not very good at building
i might experiment with tmp and tmp2 of them for a bit
Increasing tmp2 also increases how far the clones spawn from the initiator dray
tmp is how far away the clones spawn from the initiator dray (set to 4 so it forms perfect arrays), tmp2 is the cloning range (set to 4 so it clones only adjacent bots).
The rules for duplicating are explained in part 2 of my interesting series, change them to get different outcomes
+TNTPig1 maybe we could use your bots and configure them in a certain way so that they follow a certain algorithm... but that would be a bit confusing.
some people have coloured names. Can i have blue if you dont mind?