30 / 4
2nd Jul 2016
29th Sep 2016
The reborn SFPI! Our goal is to develop and identify forms of pseudointelligence and life within TPT in the forms of PSTN bots, computing systems, genome emulators, brain architecture simulations, and anything else we (or TPT AIs we find :D) can think of
sfpi tpte3


  • MrSpudNugget
    12th Jul 2016
    on this save*
  • MrSpudNugget
    12th Jul 2016
    theres about half a dozen on this page...
  • msasterisk
    12th Jul 2016
    Is there a moving bot template that I can use? I forgot how to make them sinc last time, and I'm too lazy to build one from scratch.
  • Sylvenia
    12th Jul 2016
    never mind about that last part
  • Sylvenia
    12th Jul 2016
    also, I wan't to work with Karakanlud on a mini brain 3, with active neurons
  • Sylvenia
    12th Jul 2016
    Holy ****!! That is truly amazing!! Kevino36 has the new world record, and it looks impossible to beat!
  • NorthMustang
    12th Jul 2016
    @MrSpudNugger || I am also a user of the art of the left hand; However, I am working to become a user of the art of the double hand.
  • Windspren
    12th Jul 2016
    I've made a quantum leap in replication technology! ID:2014112
  • the_new_powder99999
    12th Jul 2016
    ID:1305350 Is the start of something similar to what is happening with the self replicating machines at the moment, but with 4x4 piston movers. Since you use a lot of those for this you might be interested.
  • Sylvenia
    11th Jul 2016
    Karakanlud, is your mini brain just an indybot but with memory, or is there something I missed