The reborn SFPI! Our goal is to develop and identify forms of pseudointelligence and life within TPT in the forms of PSTN bots, computing systems, genome emulators, brain architecture simulations, and anything else we (or TPT AIs we find :D) can think of
now that you said that a mod will see and ban you...
also, i have a chance of dissapearing because i might get banned for "ban evasion" (Potato-man)
That is because i deleted the perceptrons! They were not that good.
(for some reason people don't correlate FourOhFour with Error 404, page not found...)*
also, the "perceptron" link doesn't work anymore, just brings up FourOhFour (for some reason don't correlate FourOhFour with Error 404, page not found...)
@QuanTech oh... i was trying to work out how you got the filt to AND, OR, XOR, etc, etc modes...
AND gates aren't 200 pixels big (I'm pretty sure)
Yep. That is the case and is verily in use.
imagine a 29-bit regular AND gate. it is probably really large, or about 200px X 200px. A 29-bit optical AND gate is just 1px!
- This was a topic I wrote detailing specifically solid spark and how to make ARAY propagate at 60 Hz. I've posted multiple FILT computing saves, some of which detail the colour coding I use on each of my components. Analyzing those designs cann give a start in how FILT computations are done. Also, you can perform combinational logic by shooting BRAY through a line of FILT with different tmps and or ctypes.