The reborn SFPI! Our goal is to develop and identify forms of pseudointelligence and life within TPT in the forms of PSTN bots, computing systems, genome emulators, brain architecture simulations, and anything else we (or TPT AIs we find :D) can think of
Indeed, that is the case as has been done for at least one and a half years since I and LBPHacker first pursued 60 Hz FILT computation. But indeed, it is quite a nice thing to discover. And yeah, only 30 bits per ctype, not 32, plus you need at least one of the most significant bits to be on if you want to encode the number "zero." Two must be used to effectively "retain" values after an XOR operation, hence only 28 usable bits.
YAY! I figured out how to make the photon encoder reusable!
therefore, 1 pixel of filt can be used as a 29-bit logic gate!
for example, filt with tmp 1 is on AND mode: Photon Spectrum AND filt spectrum operation.
wait, i just realized, since there are AND, XOR, OR... modes for filt, you can perform calculations without having to decode the photons everytime!
i don't think you can do arithmetic with photons, they just have a higher data transfer rate..
yeah, the encoder that i am currently using is FILT-based.
you might be able to compact it down, with all the advances in FILT tech and all that...
naw, that is not compact enough
wait, nevermind that, i searched the wrong id!