The reborn SFPI! Our goal is to develop and identify forms of pseudointelligence and life within TPT in the forms of PSTN bots, computing systems, genome emulators, brain architecture simulations, and anything else we (or TPT AIs we find :D) can think of
What does filt with tmp 7 (XOR) mean? Where does it perform XOR?
to encode the values, i might use the current TPT optical technology develeped by other people (such as spectrum recorders)
to read the values, i could make 1 light splitter for the entire computer. This way, the photons are sent at light-speed to this central splitting area, so it doesn't take up too much space, but less values can be read from the photons. Even though this may be worse than ARAY-FILT computers, i'm just doing this for fun!
I am still researching some properties of phot and glass. One thing that looks interesting is that high-speed light (in TPT) seems to have some strange properties. For example, it does not turn in fiber optics, and sometimes they even stay still with the same color after being removed from glass cables
How exactly are you going to make the read/write functions on photon encoding? Those systems would probably take up a lot of space for a single wire.
I won't send photons through filt, i'll send it through glass fiber optic cables. Wavelngths/combinations allow 2^32 (compared to 31 for filt) different data values to be stored on 1 photon (similar to quantum computing, where infinite different values can be stored on one qubit)
In simple terms, abandoning PHOT has been the most effective thing for us to do, but we are certainly welcome to newcomers to the new 60 Hz "Advanced Solid Spark Sub Frame Timing Technology." So far it proves to be the most promising in terms of compactness, speed and parallelism. Sub frame operations which are harder to deal with with PHOT can permit many machine instructions to be performed in one frame.
For inter "A3SFTT" component data communication PHOT could be useful, but for things like multi-operand vector operations, any significant TPT WDM would take up lots of space and exhibit a "refraction delay" making it exhibit computational latency that A3SFTT technology doesn't have and making it unlikely for all four+ PHOT particles to end up in the same pixel at the same time prior to hitting the single FILT element.
I made a replicator: id:2011954
The prospect of performing multiple computations in a single FILT component using PHOT instead of BRAY reminds me of my ExploraVision P-SOT project but the problem is that FILT computation performs A _ B; while we can feed many operand A ctypes through the FILT particle at a time with PHOT (provided that the game allows it), there can only be one operand B at a time. Arbitrary ctypes may also pose unpredictable TPT refraction for those WDMs.