30 / 4
2nd Jul 2016
29th Sep 2016
The reborn SFPI! Our goal is to develop and identify forms of pseudointelligence and life within TPT in the forms of PSTN bots, computing systems, genome emulators, brain architecture simulations, and anything else we (or TPT AIs we find :D) can think of
sfpi tpte3


  • MrSpudNugget
    5th Jul 2016
    let me rephrase that... a mechanism is there so that anyone who's using it can say if the response was right or not...
  • MrSpudNugget
    5th Jul 2016
    and then anyone who's using it can identify a sort of mechanism like "was this right? yes/no?" so it learns what the best response is to a phrase/ question...
  • MrSpudNugget
    5th Jul 2016
    is it possible to start to something that responds to basic phrases?
  • MrSpudNugget
    5th Jul 2016
    hmmm... now thats where i don't know where to start...
  • Windspren
    5th Jul 2016
    Layering might help with this.
  • Windspren
    5th Jul 2016
    I think that we'll have to move away from the concept of realistic neurons, which would take up the entire screen if we tried to make even a basic intelligence, and start developing advanced thinking devices that are far more advanced than actual neurons.
  • Schmolendevice
    5th Jul 2016
    @msasterisk Yes, that's what I was thinking. To use PROT to mimic a form of "synaptic plasticity" for first level learning.
  • msasterisk
    5th Jul 2016
    Would it be possible to change the behavior of the neural network by, say, using PROT to change the temperature of the ARAY in whatever way is desired? That's the only way I know of to change its temperature without using PROP, HEAT, COOL, console, etc.
  • techyman305
    5th Jul 2016
    I'm not great with automation and tpt life, but I'll sure be looking at all these saves!
  • NoVIcE
    5th Jul 2016
    Why not make a bot that will follow light?