The reborn SFPI! Our goal is to develop and identify forms of pseudointelligence and life within TPT in the forms of PSTN bots, computing systems, genome emulators, brain architecture simulations, and anything else we (or TPT AIs we find :D) can think of
Anyways, what are you currently working on?
I have a wealth of and access to higher educational academic texts and papers.
there are MANY resources on the internet for you to learn from. In fact, the stuff that we are working on is simpler than you think. If you try your best by looking up resources and being active in groups like ours, you WILL be working at the same "level" as us!
you can still suggest ideas!
it does break if you unpause though...
lovely id :P
although with the coat protection i thought we could do a design like this id:2011000
i'm definatly not worthy of that...
Also, u should check out kevin's TPTe^3 group!