30 / 4
2nd Jul 2016
29th Sep 2016
The reborn SFPI! Our goal is to develop and identify forms of pseudointelligence and life within TPT in the forms of PSTN bots, computing systems, genome emulators, brain architecture simulations, and anything else we (or TPT AIs we find :D) can think of
sfpi tpte3


  • QuanTech
    4th Jul 2016
    That is actually a very useful strength! Most of my electronics are messy and stuff, so it would be a great help to have someone make everything look better and more "functional"!
  • MrSpudNugget
    4th Jul 2016
    i am a reasonable builder, i could put most of it together in a reasonably fashionable way...
  • QuanTech
    4th Jul 2016
    Because sometimes we do need ideas from other people.
  • QuanTech
    4th Jul 2016
    Every person can do something. Use that "something" to help our group! Whether it be making logos or even suggesting ideas.
  • QuanTech
    4th Jul 2016
    for sure, you have your own strengths. PLZ,ENLIGHTEN MEH! You will definitely find some project to work on in our group!
  • MrSpudNugget
    4th Jul 2016
    no use nor ornament*
  • MrSpudNugget
    4th Jul 2016
    trust me, in this case im no user nor ornament...
  • QuanTech
    4th Jul 2016
    Because now that we have more people, we can have multiple projects at once!
  • QuanTech
    4th Jul 2016
    we have different projects. One of them is the evolving cell, the other is AI neurons and brains. I'm working on the neurons and brains part!
  • MrSpudNugget
    4th Jul 2016
    i don't think so, its basically trying to get the cell to evolve effectively...