The reborn SFPI! Our goal is to develop and identify forms of pseudointelligence and life within TPT in the forms of PSTN bots, computing systems, genome emulators, brain architecture simulations, and anything else we (or TPT AIs we find :D) can think of
We were going to make the actual cell that contacted with the stilumi adapt. But then, we came to the realisation of the need to combat possible overpopulation. Which is why it is generational, otherwise you'd end up with an exponentially growing population of highly immune cells.
hmm... what if we try to do it the same way bacteria share drug immunities? it makes a copy of the useful genome and inserts it into a nearby cell that doesn't have it? this will have to be behavioral though... we can't exactly transmit physical buildings...
So, in short, we're making adaptation generational, rather than to the cell that has direct contact.
We aren't making the changes to the cell that detects the threat, we are making it to the genetic information. To when that 'ineffective' cell dies, it generates a cell with the adaptation implemented into it. After say, two generations, if it hadn't come into contact with that generation, that gene turns off.
actually... concerning the coats i just had an idea... what about if we use CRAY to create the seperate walls? like it levelled? and after X time has elapsed it can remove the wall, if it still detectes what the wall is needed for it just recreates the wall...
i have no idea, i haven't been here for long...
Are we still using a timer to remove redundant genetic information?
how many coats is that now? 3? if we can't use pcln unless we only have 2 coats, at best we should have 1...
though this gene might be evolved in the 2nd or 3rd gen.
maybe there is DTEC(acid) so that when acid is detected, a glass coating is released.