The reborn SFPI! Our goal is to develop and identify forms of pseudointelligence and life within TPT in the forms of PSTN bots, computing systems, genome emulators, brain architecture simulations, and anything else we (or TPT AIs we find :D) can think of
I think 2 more people want to join the TPTe^3 group
we can't use TSNS*
hmm... we can use TSNS for cold sense, because the TSNS only detects something with a higher temp, we could put DSTW so that when something below -0.00 touches the water it turns into ice and DTEC detects this ice...
So, no resistance to acid, or things like that?
The research has been going unexpectedly well! Things are even going on FP now! Great job, group!
Heat would cause it to grow small pockets of FRZW, and a layer of GEL around the outside (gravity should be off, because it's like a top down view) for insulation. Cold would make it grow a thicker layer of GEL on the outside. Pressure would make it grow a layer of TTAN.
Heat, cold, pressure, basic stuff like that. It should be filled with DSTW, too, to emulate the fragility of cells.
The issue is though, due to the size of the cell, it cannot be adapative to everything. We could base it around logically 'common' such stimuli would be.
@wipyman Probably things like heat, pressure, and some of the more explosive elements (like bomb, dest, thdr, dmg, etc.)
brick, and plant... i think