The reborn SFPI! Our goal is to develop and identify forms of pseudointelligence and life within TPT in the forms of PSTN bots, computing systems, genome emulators, brain architecture simulations, and anything else we (or TPT AIs we find :D) can think of
On that note, what do we want it be able to detect?
I already need to cram its adapation organs into it.
An external brain will be far to large to fit inside the bot.
what order are we going to do it in? are we going to make everything else THEN work on the A.I itself?
nah, we don;t have external brains, so why should the robot?
So, I think this should be our goal for the Evolution Project. We create a self-replicating cell (done) that stores a genome, which is modified before being passed on to the next generation (work in progress). It is capable of adapting to its surroundings (not started), gathering energy from whatever's around it (not done), and uses an external brain to control its movements (should we do this?)
Schmolen, what color do you want your name to be?
It's now my most popular save!
Wow, he replicator got FP!