The reborn SFPI! Our goal is to develop and identify forms of pseudointelligence and life within TPT in the forms of PSTN bots, computing systems, genome emulators, brain architecture simulations, and anything else we (or TPT AIs we find :D) can think of
Hello, guys. I saw the replication on the front page, nice work, Kevin.
id:2010913 my mini transistor
With regards to neural networks, I was thinking that once we reach much larger designs, it would be more effective to implement a sort of "brain in a vat" set up using a TPT FILT-based processor to interpret "motor signals" and generate sensory experiences.
I was technically hoping to concentrate on microprocessor design stuff for my resume, but this caught my attention. I have to review on Wikipedia though.
Hey, Schmolendevice the neuroscientist! Hello!
Well, I just saw this and Kevino36's neuron. I just realized that potentially using PROT in contact with TSNS, I could actually have my compact neurons from id:1844947 to exhibit "learning" capabilities as to increase and decrease the action potential thresholds at the HWSC axon hillocks. No synaptogenesis and axon guidance for us.
i just made a tiny transistor, do you want me to upload it?
quick guys, i need a good 2-bit comparator!
i think he wants to join! HEY BINGOBOMB, DO YOU WANNA JOIN?
Great, bingobomb stole my logo.