30 / 4
2nd Jul 2016
29th Sep 2016
The reborn SFPI! Our goal is to develop and identify forms of pseudointelligence and life within TPT in the forms of PSTN bots, computing systems, genome emulators, brain architecture simulations, and anything else we (or TPT AIs we find :D) can think of
sfpi tpte3


  • Windspren
    3rd Jul 2016
    I just need a gate that can multiply SPRKs any given number of times.
  • wipyman
    3rd Jul 2016
    ... the removal of redundant adapatations more easily, by adding a timer to the stored genetic information, that unless the previous X (X=1<) amounts of scouts has come into contact with whatever stimulus that piece of stored genetic information is switched off.
  • wipyman
    3rd Jul 2016
    Think of previous generation (A) as the scout and the stored genetic code as the intel (B). So when A interacts with acid, A reports back to B that is has been exposed to acid and edits the genetic code to create a layer of glass within the next generation of organism (C). This pattern repeats, each different stimulus editing the genetic code in a different way; you could then include...
  • wipyman
    3rd Jul 2016
    That way, we solve both the overpopulation problem, whilst displaying genetic adaptation.
  • QuanTech
    3rd Jul 2016
    i'm gonna go poo (TMI lol) BRB in 30 mins.
  • QuanTech
    3rd Jul 2016
    yes. The adaptations might change around a bit, due to an evolutionary-type cell. For example, a cell that was built to live in the cold would maybe be introduced to hotter climate later, but it hasn't evolved the heat gene yet, so it might be damaged a bit
  • Windspren
    3rd Jul 2016
    So we shouldn't make the adaptation take place as soon as the danger is detected, we should make it take a generation.
  • Windspren
    3rd Jul 2016
    @Wipyman yes.
  • Windspren
    3rd Jul 2016
    The GEL is supposed to form an insulation around the cell. Try using CRAY.
  • QuanTech
    3rd Jul 2016
    ok, i sorta fixed it. When it detects temp > 100C within 25px, it will release GEL. I am working on a drainage system to drain excess gel and other fluids.