The reborn SFPI! Our goal is to develop and identify forms of pseudointelligence and life within TPT in the forms of PSTN bots, computing systems, genome emulators, brain architecture simulations, and anything else we (or TPT AIs we find :D) can think of
Wipyman, can you include an ELEC/PPIP-based energy system?
Does anyone have an idea of how to prime a circuit to produce a certain amount of SPRKs? Although, a PPIP/ELEC system would work, as well as introducing a fuel system! We could create different types of energy gathering cells, so if a cell detected PHOT, it would create layeres of PSCN and NSCN to gather the energy, and turn it into stored ELEC! It could also eat whatever particles were around it and use CONV to turn them into ELEC.
i don't think mixing the codes would be too hard!
It should simply be based off of the concept of mitosis, the most successful cells passing on their genetic information, etc.
I think we should use asexual reproduction, as mixing the genetic codes will be too complex.
How about we use a 10-digit genome? The genes that weren't affected in the previous generation would have a chance to flip or stay the same, introducing mutations. Also, each cell would only have a 50% chance of adapting to its environment, introducing natural selection to our system.
Basically, what I'm trying to do is compress the top thing into the bottom thing ID:2010551
every 2 cells will produce 2 more cells
EXAMPLE: 1st individual:101101 2nd individual:110011 next gen.:110101 and 101011
The thing about "evolving" cells is that they have to change the genetic code by the rules of a genetic algorithm to every next generation. I think crossovers would be a good idea!