The reborn SFPI! Our goal is to develop and identify forms of pseudointelligence and life within TPT in the forms of PSTN bots, computing systems, genome emulators, brain architecture simulations, and anything else we (or TPT AIs we find :D) can think of
One "cell cycle" is 2 frames. In the 1st frame, the genome is edited. In the 2nd, it is read out and proteins are synthesised!
no wifi will be involved. i will use PCLN to clone GEL.
Ugh, making a duplication system that can replicate indefinetly, is really hard. The duplication system has to duplicate ITSELF (!), and it can't use ANY WIFI.
i will add a system that releases a GEL coating around the cell if the first base of the genome is a "1" (thanks to Kevino36 for idea!) This will act as a heat-protecting protein!
so I made an ARAY and SWCH based genome. id:2009894. Instructions are in the description
Shortcuts are needed, lest we end up with a screen spanning cell.
I'm good at being lazy :P
yes, that sounds way simpler than a long gene for each protein! i'll try that!
So maybe if a cell detects heat, then the first switch would be turned on. When the next generation cell reads the genome, it would activate CRAY that would create an insulation and cooling system.
ARAY would be passed through the INWR to read it!