The reborn SFPI! Our goal is to develop and identify forms of pseudointelligence and life within TPT in the forms of PSTN bots, computing systems, genome emulators, brain architecture simulations, and anything else we (or TPT AIs we find :D) can think of
@herp yes. after all, that is the great "development process"!
This flaw may need time to correct if SFPI could turn out a useful product.
For example, look at my noble nanobot factory. Everytime something on the outside shell is removed, it grows back. the ony flaw with this is it doesnt allow the 'bots any growing room. so if you were to detonate a bomb(prot excluded), the shield would grow back, but the bots couldnt.
@Quantech with the self-repairing nanobots for armor, and stuff like that.
luv my profile pic? it's jeff the killer's face with doge's face photoshopped onto it
@Kevion36 how?
Maybe. You could try making shields using shielded nanobots. look at some of my saves with tntpigs nanobots. that could help...maybe.
Hmm... Maybe SFPI could actually turn out a useful product?
ID:2039305 Apparently an anti nanobot weapon(emp) turns nanobots into a horrifying, BREL-LAVA spewing monster.
@Quantech: Considering you call that an "alloy", it makes me wonder: What if there was a "living" alloy (regenerators and cells not included) that could be used in armor? Regenerative enough to growback armor, but passive enough so as not to act like a virus?