30 / 4
2nd Jul 2016
29th Sep 2016
The reborn SFPI! Our goal is to develop and identify forms of pseudointelligence and life within TPT in the forms of PSTN bots, computing systems, genome emulators, brain architecture simulations, and anything else we (or TPT AIs we find :D) can think of
sfpi tpte3


  • QuanTech
    3rd Jul 2016
    sure! i'll join!
  • Windspren
    3rd Jul 2016
    Do you guys want to join this? ID:2009917 I'm planning on making SFPI a subdivision of it.
  • QuanTech
    3rd Jul 2016
    oh, that is very nice! as well, you can fit more TUNG particles than mercury injectors! thanks for the idea!
  • Windspren
    3rd Jul 2016
    Yes, brain developers have been using that concept for a while, but instead of a MERC injecter, we usually make portions of the circuit touching the MERC out of TUNG, or mix in NBLE with the MERC. The heat produced from current flowing through those materials makes the MERC expand, allowing a brain to "learn" by making it more likely that current flows through a certain neuron every time it is SPRKed.
  • QuanTech
    3rd Jul 2016
    i made a (poor) theoretical model for a perceptron. So far,i have only added the weight. Here is the id: 2010283
  • QuanTech
    3rd Jul 2016
    i think one way you can implement perceptrons is to make a controlled mercury injector, which will act as the wieght, so that the more mercury there is, the more probable the output is the regular input! (e.g input 1 with weight 10px mercury = high chance of output 1)
  • QuanTech
    3rd Jul 2016
    if you haven't heard of pereptrons, they are basically a basic model for neurons. In the simplest example, there are 2 inputs, 1 regular input (from other calculations) and 1 weight for the input. The weight is the priority of the input, so highly weighted inputs will most likely cause the perceptron to output that input. Sorry for the terrible explanation, just google it if you do not know what they are!
  • QuanTech
    3rd Jul 2016
    oooh nice! Have you heard of perceptrons? This seems very similar to that!
  • Windspren
    3rd Jul 2016
  • Windspren
    3rd Jul 2016
    What I've done so far, as a byproduct of my natural selection test.