The TPTe^3 Group seeks to gather the best players from every corner of TPT in order to do group projects, help out new players, and do as much as possible in TPT. Just ask to join, and remember to be active!
I'm good at electronics, add me,please!
So can I join?
can I join
My replicator is finished. id:2024553.
oh, in that case, no
also, becuase you are working on star drives, i would reccomend The Alliance, they tend to make space-related stuff
@MrSpud I'm talking about in TPT.
Kevino there is no set value, but there are different measuremeants (such as mach 1, 2 or 3, or M/PH or K/PH, it really depends on where you come from)
Could i make spaceships with those stardrives.
I think I'm going to start working on stardrives. I'm mainly inspired by Sandwhichlizard's design, but I also need a new fusion drive for smaller ships. BTW, is there a standardized value for measuring engine thrust?