After an immense leap in replication technology, I present to you the World's Smallest Replicator! This one is so efficient, it creates multiple copies with each SPRK! This approaches the mathematically smallest possible replicator in TPT.
I didn't get this design from anywhere. I came up with this myself.
the_new_powder99999: However if you want to replicate really large objects, this design is actually rather faster.
Kevino36: Updated my save. You'll probably be getting fp soon :D (also can you please link to the original save you got this design from? thanks!)
Yeah, but it's the smallest replicator on it's own. Not very practical compared to PSTN replicators, but hey. World records usually aren't ever practical.
Well, it is definitely faster, but if you are replicating a large object then the piston versions are actually smaller.
sorta glitchy
You can stack it to make it bigger, and you just have to increase the tmp2 of the DRAY for it to copy a larger area. It actually IS quite practical, although the CRAY interferes with electronics.
Super sarchasm achieved!
It is too small for most practical purposes and leaves bits behind, but +1 anyway. (Hint, smallest is 1 pixel.)