It will not break under flow of liquids, powders or gases. Free to copy without credit. WARNING: it won't work if there are more than 150k particles in a simulation.
meet ship to ship, it cuts!
I have no idea how you did this. It is like a normal one, but when you spark everything at once it doesn't break. Did you need to know subframe electronics to make this?
push one ship into another, too funny. +1
this is very cool +1
Very nice. but for a true (almost) indestructable piston mover, you'll need to make it 15(?) pixels wide to take advantage of the maximum FRME attachment distance
this truly isn't too robust, still innovational, but mere fire decimates this ship. Still, i am fascinated and impressed by such work, I simply cannot achieve such results in a piston crawler
Amazing! This is a great leap forward in piston crawler tech!
When you move the two ships into each other, the one totally wipes the other out.
takes only 1 frame to move the ship
Nah, this is just a concept, like a building block of something more creative. I have some plans for it too, maybe in that day i'll make a thread