23 / 0
30th Aug 2016
4th Nov 2016
I know I've been publishing a lot of these recently. Sorry about that. This is one that doesn't rely on vertical gravity, finally. It's also quite evenly distributed if you ask me, but I'm no expert when it comes to entropy.
prng 60hz random subframe


  • LBPHacker
    3rd Oct 2016
    Basically everything uses DTEC in subframe. Well, for colouring FILT, that's really the only thing you can use. Its sparking feature is usable as well, as basically anything that can create sparks works in subframe as well. The trick is to reset the conductor, there's really nothing else to it.
  • ivel236
    1st Oct 2016
    wow didn't know dtec could be used with subframe... cool.