As inspired by 'muzau', I'm proud to present to you... Something...
I didn't think such a simple save based soley on art would get 2k views, especially for my first save.
Sure. There are a couple of VOID things around the white, so that there aren't heaps of photon streams everywhere, make sure you get those.
NVM its not a bug it is just that photons produce GRVT when they touch GPMP which explode away from eachother.
Can I use the photon stream emitter in a save I might post to show a bug in TPT?
ikr? I even made press3 a tag, it looks pretty cool.
press 3!
Catpire11 That sounds pretty cool, yet very complicated... I probably won't bother. I can use Lua to make very very basic elements and that's it.
I think if you coul hook it up to respond to music using a script or something it'd be fucking amazing
i really hate these anti FP art people, art requires just as much if not more thought than the complicated electronics saves and far more work than bomb saves. its impressive what art people make in this and it really should be encouraged more.
No Sarcasm here buddy (: