It's like Charlie Brown's Christmas tree... :) +1
@everyone-who-thinks-this-is-vote-bait GUYS! Stop making false assumptions, people hate those. We don't know c-miner-2213's intentions for sure, so we should not make false assumptions about them. Thank you and have a dank christmas.
MERRY SCIENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's obviously vote bait because it's a green shape pointing up. Joking aside, I'm not gonna take part in this argument
Ok .. lets think that i didnt wrote ,,@c its cool..."
Go away to your rings and lords or whatever
i was on fp many more times than that guy
i don't agree, @JanKaszanka. Are you jealous ? It seems you are jealous of this save !!! Don't worry ! You can do as many christmas trees as you want ! Anybody can create Christmas tree, and c-miner-2213 did it perfectly ! If you, @JanKaszanka, are not in FP, don't be jealous ! ~'{#{[|]}$^&"'(-_)= !!!!