Simple- use the speed of light, assuming 60fps, and interpret everything else accordingly. As in, the stickmen are unimaginably large, and other such ridiculousness! :D
And tose were jokes, Sorry to people who have cancer.
No, the scale is 1px + 8 grams..
CTpyromaniac1337: VSAUCE HERE
And as always, thanks for watching.
But the physical size of the computer parts storing the game... Let's see... 100s of FT of papertape, 2 cases of magnetic disks, 5 magnetic diskettes, less than 1 zip disk, 1/6 clik disk, 1 square centimeter flash chip, 1 cube millimeter of human flesh in that new DNA storage. Or 45 minutes of cassette audio, or datasette if anyone remembers, if you want to go that way.